Aine Ahern

Why our nerves help push us outside our comfort zone

Written by: Aine Ahern

Aine talks about our fight or flight response and how we can learn from it to challenge ourselves

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Why it’s important to rethink how we communicate on social media

Written by: Aine Ahern volunteer Aine wonders why reading "seen" can make us feel quite the opposite sometimes

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Why being busy is not always good for our minds

Written by: Aine Ahern

Áine talks about the importance of being present in the moment, and learning to say no.

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How our responses empower us or hold us back

Written by: Aine Ahern

Aine shares a story from her childhood that helped her learn how important our responses can be

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How sport has positively impacted my life

Written by: Aine Ahern

Having played many sports over the years, Aine talks about how they've helped her become the person she is today

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What you can learn from listening to your ego

Written by: Aine Ahern

Are you surprised how you react to things sometimes? Aine argues it can be related to how you view yourself.

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Why noticing our body language is so important

Written by: Aine Ahern

Have you noticed someone is happy, angry or sad without them saying a word?

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Why it’s so important to foster different types of intelligence

Written by: Aine Ahern

Aine argues that great minds do not think alike and we should encourage all types of intelligence

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Why I’d rather make mistakes than live with regrets

Written by: Aine Ahern

Picking the wrong college course or career path is not always a bad thing. You can learn from every experience you have.

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Finding happiness while juggling all life throws at you

Written by: Aine Ahern

Aine talks about what happiness means to her and how it has changed over the years

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How I feel deciding my next move after college

Written by: Aine Ahern

Having recently graduated, Aine talks about how deciding what to do next is daunting, but everyone will find their path.

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