Chloe Maguire Sedgwick

Reporting from the Youth Sexual Health & Wellbeing Conference

The conference was an opportunity for young people to have their say on sexual health and wellbeing issues.

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Jigsaw’s Youth Advisory Panel explains their involvement in Jigsaw

Jigsaw provides support to young people with their mental health by working closely with communities across Ireland.

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Jigsaw’s Youth Advisory Panel explains what happens in the Jigsaw service

Jigsaw provides support to young people with their mental health by working closely with communities across Ireland.

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Jigsaw’s Youth Advisory Panel explains how you can access Jigsaw services

Jigsaw provides support to young people with their mental health by working closely with communities across Ireland.

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Jigsaw’s Youth Advisory Panel explains where you can access Jigsaw services

Jigsaw provides support to young people with their mental health by working closely with communities across Ireland.

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Jigsaw’s Youth Advisory Panel explains what Jigsaw is and isn’t

Jigsaw provides support to young people with their mental health by working closely with communities across Ireland.

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Jigsaw’s Youth Advisory Panel explains why no problem is too small

Jigsaw provides support to young people with their mental health by working closely with communities across Ireland.

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