Craig Doyle

Why changing college courses was the best decision for me

Written by: Craig Doyle

Craig Doyle reflects on navigating a challenging college journey, ultimately changing college courses to pursue his true passion.

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Why sports is important to friendships between men

Written by: Craig Doyle

Craig discusses the significance that sports has on societal norms when men form and sustain friendships.

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Dealing with the truth of my uncle’s death

Written by: Craig Doyle

Craig details how he navigates the grief of losing his uncle to suicide.

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The need for education in ending violence against women

Written by: Craig Doyle

Craig outlines his thoughts on what we can do to combat violence against women through education.

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The pressure to be constantly productive and how I deal with it

Written by: Craig Doyle

Always striving for success, Craig reflects on his experiences of burnout.

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The change of restrictions has brought up unexpected emotions

Written by: Craig Doyle

The initial easing of restrictions brought about feelings of sadness for Craig who had adapted to life as a teenager in lockdown.

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Why men are the key to stopping sexual harassment

Written by: Craig Doyle

Craig talks about the importance of education and action when it comes to addressing sexual harassment in society

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Young people are forced to grow up too quickly

Written by: Craig Doyle

Craig talks about the impact of responsibilities and making life-changing decisions at a young age

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How schools can support students’ mental health

Written by: Craig Doyle

Craig talks about the positive steps schools are already taking, and some other ways to look after student's wellbeing

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