James Mulhall

Men have body image issues too

Written by: James Mulhall

It's not easy being a man in today's image obsessed society writes James Mulhall

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Staying safe on a night out

Written by: James Mulhall

Speaking from experience, James shares his night out nightmare

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Re-thinking sexual education in Ireland

Written by: James Mulhall

Looking at the impact of SPHE on our sex ed!

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Malala Yousafzai

Written by: James Mulhall

Find out more about the 16 year old activist and inspiration!

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10 tips for Freshers’ Week

Written by: James Mulhall

Kicking off the first week of college life!

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Teen Aware 2013

Written by: James Mulhall

Reducing the stigma of mental health through music

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