Join the Gaisce Glas Summit to build a better future

A.J. talks about the Gaisce climate justice programme and how you can get involved in the #pushforchange


By far, 2020 has been an unprecedented year. COVID-19 has impacted all of us, affecting our everyday lives. It’s been tough for all of us, but this year has shown us that people can work together to achieve a common goal – stopping the spread of COVID-19. Many things have changed this year but something that hasn’t changed is the progression of climate change.

My name is A.J. Carpio, a 17-year-old from Mayo, and I believe that people can work together to combat climate change. This is why I decided to become involved with Gaisce Glas, a 13-week pilot program run by Gaisce which focuses on climate justice.

What is climate justice?

Climate justice is all about reducing inequality. The effects of climate change are not felt equally. Richer countries like Ireland have contributed the most to climate change, but it is the poorer countries who have contributed the least to climate change, that will be the most impacted the most by it.

What is Gaisce Glas?

Gaisce Glas is made up of 12 Gaisce – The President’s Award participants from all over Ireland. The project educates young people about climate justice and gives thgaiem the skills needed to undertake climate activism. We meet once a week through Zoom meetings, and we’ve had the pleasure of having climate change guest speakers from ECO-UNESCO, YEA (Young Environmentalist Awards), YEE (Youth and Environmental Europe), Generation Climate Europe and the Young Irish Film Makers.

We launched a social media campaign on Instagram (@gaisceglas – follow us!) where in a couple of days we got over 200 followers and we want to grow it more. Our aim is to spread awareness about climate change and climate justice.

Gaisce Glas: The Push for Change

On the 10th of December, our Gaisce Glas group will be hosting a free, online summit focusing on simple changes we can make to build a better future and to slow climate change. We’re bringing in expert speakers and giving you the skills you need to take action on climate change. We would love to see you there.


Sign up here for the summit 


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