Fresh Éire


To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2022 on the 21st of March, we launched our latest campaign, ‘Fresh Éire.’ Fresh Éire showcases the stories of young people growing up in Ireland today and asks readers to take a fresh look at Ireland in 2022 as a place that people from a huge variety of backgrounds and ethnicities call home.

The campaign includes lived experience pieces from young people about living in Ireland, while experiencing racism and navigating identity and belonging. This campaign aims to highlight the experiences of people from various minority groups in an effort to truly reflect the diversity of youth in Ireland today.

The Fresh Éire campaign was made with the support of Abood AlJumaili, who worked as spunout’s Voices Project Officer from August to September of 2021 and did outreach with young people to bring this project about.

Read all of the Fresh Éire collection:

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