Should the Seanad be abolished?
Lisa Marie tells us why she thinks the Seanad should be reformed.

As a first year student I can accept the fact that we are in a recession and that cuts need to be made. As a Government BSc student in UCC I have value and respect for our Seanad and realise abolition is not the answer.
There are many pros and cons for the abolition and the retention of the Seanad but it is easy for our public to scorn the seen as “failed” politicians that are resting here.
We need an open mind when discussing this issue, not to be bombarded by what the Seanad is at the moment but what it could be improved to be. I have the radical idea of having no to very little politicians in the house and have senators who truly represent all society in Ireland for example a range of voluntary groups whom outline the needs in society when reviewing legislation for informed decision making.
I am all for radical reformation of a system but I think what I have suggested is far-reaching but realistic and if moved forward will be a positive in the long term. The only thing positive out of the drastic decision of abolition could be saving money, but is that really a good enough reason to risk the future of our legislation?
It might be the easiest decision for the public to decide on abolition, almost a punishment to the government for their bad decisions in the past but if passed will end up disastrous for our country. Opponents of retention have shown their practical reasons for abolition but these are also reasons for reform, so I put it why destroy
As the saying goes “if it’s not broken don’t fix it” but in relation to the Seanad It is broken SO FIX IT!
We asked SpunOutters on Twitter what they thought about Seanad reform. Check out their responses below. What's your opinion on the Seanad? Email your thoughts to [email protected]