What the COVID-19 pandemic has taught me

Ross shares a poem on the positive and negative impacts of COVID-19 and important lessons to take from the pandemic



I woke up on the 1st of January 2020

And I had a stomach filled with dread disguised as hope.

I’d already fallen in love with last year

And was telling myself I could cope.


It started off rough but then became a few months of bliss.

I started to feel something for this year.

It started off with happiness

And then it turned to fear.


Celebrities started dying and chaos ensued.

COVID appeared and I questioned how all had gone wrong.

It started to feel like the bubble I lived in at the start of this year

Had simply come and gone.


Gloom and despair were all we could see

But I eventually, I wanted this year to be

Something more.

Instead of being reflective

I changed my perspective

And I found parts of this world I could adore.


I became closer to my friends

When some seemed like dead ends

And I found my smile again.

Now, the world is coming back together

And we’ll be back forever

So goodbye, until I see you then.

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