Children’s Rights Alliance Minimum Ages Quiz

What is the minimum age you have to be to sit on a jury?

Correct! Wrong!

The minimum age you have to be before you can be called for jury service in Ireland is 18. Read our minimum ages quiz to find out more.

What is the minimum age you must be to get a full time job in Ireland?

Correct! Wrong!

You must be at least 16 to be able to work full time in Ireland. But you can work part time hours from 14 years old.

At what age can you be arrested on suspicion of committing a crime and brought to court in Ireland?

Correct! Wrong!

You can be arrested on suspicion of committing a crime and brought to court at the age of 12. This age can be lowered to 10 if the crime is serious.

At what age can you apply for a gender recognition certificate?

Correct! Wrong!

You can apply for a gender recognition certificate, to legally change your gender, from the age of 16.

What minimum age do you have to be to get a pilot's licence?

Correct! Wrong!

You can apply for your pilot's licence from the age of 16 in Ireland.

At what age can you sign a lease to rent accommodation in Ireland?

Correct! Wrong!

You have to be at least 18 years old to sign a lease agreement in Ireland.

At what age can you legally give blood in Ireland?

Correct! Wrong!

You can legal give blood in Ireland from the age of 18, but there are other reasons why you may not be able to give blood even when you are over 18.

At what age can you move out of home in Ireland?

Correct! Wrong!

If you get your guardian's permission you can move out of home from the age of 16 in Ireland. However, you cannot sign a lease agreement until you are 18.

Children's Rights Alliance Minimum Ages Quiz
Okay, currently your knowledge on minimum ages in Ireland isn't great, but luckily you are in the right place to change that. Visit our Rights section where you can find loads of information on your rights in Ireland as a young person.
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Okay, you know some stuff but how about we get that number higher. Visit our Rights section where you can find loads of articles on your rights while under 18 in Ireland.
Well done, you seem to know your stuff when it comes to minimum ages in Ireland. Looking to learn more? Visit our Rights section where you can find information on everything from your rights and the Gardau00ed to your rights in school.
Well done, you are an expert. Looking to learn more about your different rights in Ireland? Visit our Rights section and brush up on your rights regardless of the situation.