Apply for the UN Delegate Programme for Ireland

Applications close 19th May 2019 at 5pm


Since 2015, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the National Youth Council of Ireland have worked together to provide Irish young people a chance to take part in the UN Youth Delegate Programme. Applications are now being accepted for the UN Youth Delegate Programme 2019/2020.

UN Youth Delegate Programme

Each year, two United Nations Youth Delegates are chosen to be part of Ireland’s official delegation to the United Nations General Assembly. The delegation is a representation of the people of Ireland, and the youth delegates chosen will represent the youth of Ireland, giving young people an opportunity to have their voices heard and to engage with national and foreign policy issues.

The UN Youth Delegate Programme is an opportunity for those who want to get involved in developing new policies which will affect Irish youth. Participation in decision making is a priority of the United Nations agenda on youth. The youth delegates selected from each country have an opportunity to take part in many of the United Nations conferences . Most youth delegates participate in the General Assembly and functional Commissions of the Economic and Social Council, but as the programme continues running, youth delegates have also taken part in the High-level political Forum on Sustainable Development, the Commission on the Status of Women and the Human Rights Council.

Who can apply for the UN Youth Delegate Programme?

Applications are now open for young people aged 18 to 25 who would like to be in the running to become a youth delegate. This year, those chosen will join the Irish delegation in New York and Geneva. Here, UN Youth Delegates will work closely with Department of Foreign Affairs Trade (DFAT) staff, and in previous years have accompanied the Tanaiste and Ministers of State to different conferences to be sure young voices are heard.

How do I apply for the UN Youth Delegate Programme?

To apply for a place on the UN Youth Delegate Programme 2019/2020, you must download and fill out an application form.

Where do I send my application to?

Once you have your application form filled out, you can email your application to [email protected], with “UN Youth Delegate Application 2019 – (Your Name)” in the subject line.

The deadline for applications is May 19th 2019 at 5pm.

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