Eating for the seasons
Altering your diet with the seasons is a recipe for good health.

We all need and crave different foods at different times of the year. You probably won’t feel like a big bowl of steaming stew in August, but it might just be the ticket for you in December.
Ideas for delicious seasonal meals
- Seasonal foods to fill up on in spring includes peppers, rhubarb and tomatoes
- You can start cooking outdoors in the spring. If you like barbecues, you can start grilling meat and veg on the barbie
- It’s no longer all about the heavy foods. Now you can start enjoying colder foods such as raw fruit and veg
- Remember to keep hydrated as the days become warmer
- Seasonal foods to fill up on in summer include beetroot, broccoli, cauliflower, marrows and strawberries
- Most people prefer lighter foods at this time of the year, such as stir fries and salads
- Fresh fruit is also quite the tasty treat in summer
- Make sure to drink up – fill up on water and milk rather than sugary juices and fizzy drinks though. Milk and water are more nutritious and won’t damage your teeth at the same time
- Seasonal foods to fill up on in autumn include apples, carrots, kale and onions
- Get the slow cooker out. Just chop up some veggies and meat, leave ‘em in the slow cooker while you are out at school or work and come home to a beautiful ready-made meal
- Try out some wild berries – they are in season at this time of year and can be used for yummy crumbles or custards
- Seasonal foods to fill up on in winter include cabbage, potatoes, leeks and turnips
- It is important to eat well in general, but specifically when you are exercising outdoors, as proper nutrition keeps the body temperature up
- Eat plenty of starchy carbohydrates, lean proteins and good fats
- Base your meals around whole foods instead of processed foods such as ready meals or tinned sauces
- You may not feel as thirsty in the winter as you do in the summer, but it is very important that you drink up, as you will lose fluid when you exercise
- It may be obvious, but try and stick to warm foods. Your probably won’t crave cold foods in winter anyway, so load up on soups, chillis, potatoes and stews before you exercise
- Don’t eat a full meal before you set out though or you may end up feeling uncomfortable. A meal one to two hours before you set off is ideal
- Bring some food with you when you exercise outdoors such as cheese or fruit