Emma’s beetroot veggie burger recipe

These are great to make in bulk and defrost when you need them.


When many of us were growing up, if you ordered a burger you knew it was a beef one. Then the occasional chicken burger came creeping in and then 2015 hit and the turkey burgers were the new burger trend. 2018 has opened my eyes to the veggie burger. Now I do think you can be truly disappointed in your veggie burger choice and it may scare you off to try another one. But there is hope.

It is only in the last 3/4 months that I have switched to a plant-focused diet. I have tried a few brands of “veggie alternatives” and it can be hit and miss but the same can be said for various meat and dairy products.

The good ones are worth the money. Some of my favourite brands are: GOSHBiona, and finally, Cauldron

To be honest if I had time I would try and make all my own food but at times my week does not allow for a full cooking show in the household kitchen. However, when I do make recipes, I make in bulk. So, when I make veggie burgers I’ll make eight and when I make a big pot of lentil stew I freeze four/five portions so when I come in from college I pop them in the oven/microwave and there is very little prep involved. The five-minute heat up is the perfect time to take off the makeup and grab the nearest pyjama set.

I hope this recipe will restore or keep the faith in plant-based eating for you. These little purple patties are really tasty and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Also, important to mention these burgers are not low on protein content which I know is a major hype at the moment. Lentils have a high protein content, as dothe oats and eggs. If you add a hi-fibre bun you’re getting a good mix.

Recipe ingredients

  • 100 grams oats
  • 200 grams cooked beetroot grated
  • 2 eggs (or 2 chia eggs – 2 tablespoons chia seeds and 6 tablespoons of water. Let it rest for 5/10 minutes)
  • 2 x 400 gram tins of green lentils (drained and washed)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Turmeric
  • Garlic
  • Chopped onion


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Place half the lentils into a blender and blitz until a paste
  3. Place them in a bowl with the remaining lentils, grated beetroot, oats, eggs or chia eggs, spices and chopped onion.
  4. Mix until well combined and then shape into 8 patties.
  5. Heat the pan on high and add a tablespoon of oil.
  6. When hot cook on the heat for 4-5 minutes, flip half way.
  7. Pop the burgers on your baking tray, (I picked up some silicone baking sheets at the shop which are brilliant and re-usable).
  8. Cook for twenty minutes.
  9. I served my pattie inside a wholemeal bun on a sheet of spinach, hummus and topped with extra hummus and sriracha which is a tasty AF hot spice.
  10. I also roasted up some baby potatoes, sliced them in half coated them in rapeseed oil and spices for 45 minutes.

The pictures do the justice, but I hope the taste experience pulled through for you. If you have patties leftover place them in the freezer and defrost 24 hours ahead of time when planning on eating.

You can add these into wraps, pitta breads, salads and buddha bowls too.

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