‘Ask for Angela’ begins rolling out across Ireland
If you’re in an uncomfortable situation on a night out, you can use the code word to get help
Ask for Angela is a code word campaign that supports people who feel unsafe or intimidated while on a night out.
The initiative began in Lincolnshire in England in 2016 and received a lot of positive feedback internationally, and since then has been introduced in parts of Ireland. First rolled out in Waterford in November 2017, Cork County Council has now also backed the campaign, and it’s also being used in a pub in Limerick.
Labour Councillor Rebecca Moynihan has called on Dublin to take up the initiative, saying “with more people now using online dating apps to meet people they may find themselves in a situation where they don’t feel safe or something simply feels ‘off’, and this code of 'Asking for Angela’ is a great way of letting staff know they might need help.”
The Gardaí fully support the roll-out of this campaign nationwide.
How does Ask for Angela work?
Whether you’re on a night out with friends, meeting someone from Tinder or Grindr for the first time, or on a date that just isn’t working out, if you’re uncomfortable and need some support, Ask for Angela can help.
You can go up to the bar or a member of staff and ask for ‘Angela’. The code word lets bar staff know if you’re feeling uncomfortable and need a way to get out of your situation.
The staff member will discreetly separate you from the person and talk to you to find the best way to deal with the situation. They may call you a taxi so you can get home safely, or remove the person from the bar or nightclub.
Poster: Waterford Purple Flag Zone
Who is Ask for Angela for?
Ask for Angela is for anyone, of any age, gender or sexual orientation who feels uncomfortable, intimidated, or unsafe on a night out.
How will I know the bar or club I’m at participates in Ask for Angela?
Participating venues will have the Ask for Angela poster in the toilets or elsewhere in the venue, explaining what to do and how they can help. Bar staff will also have information on how to respond when someone asks for Angela.
The intiaitve hasn't been fully rolled out across the country yet, but as more venues and County Councils catch on, you may begin seeing more Ask for Angela posters in the future.