UNESCO ESD Youth Leadership Training
Are you aged between 18 and 35? Interested in Education for Sustainable Development?
ECO-UNESCO Ireland, in conjunction with UNESCO is running the Flagship UNESCO ‘Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Youth Leadership’ training on the 21st and 22nd February.
This joint UNESCO and ECO-UNESCO training is part of the UNESCO Global Action Programme (GAP) and aims to empower young people to inspire and mobilise others to take action towards a more sustainable and just future. The deadline for application is Monday 6th February.
The training will take place 21-22 February at the Clock Tower, Department of Education and Skills, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, Ireland and is open to young people (18-35) who are interested or engaged in sustainable development. Participants will engage with the theory and practice of ESD in order to build their capacity as ESD leaders. The training covers themes including; Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals, ESD; Systems Thinking; Conflict Transformation; Leadership; Visioning; Communication; Facilitation; Networking; and Monitoring and Evaluation. Course material and an online session will be provided prior to the training.
Following the training it is envisaged that participants will become part of a UNESCO Global Network of Youth Leaders who will carry out activities, develop projects and continue links to UNESCO.
The training is free of charge, and travel, accommodation, and meals will be provided. Places are limited, and the deadline to apply is February 6th. For further information please contact [email protected] or call +353 (0)1 6625491.