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Why we need more green spaces in Ireland
Written by: Sushrut Tewari
Sushrut shares why Ireland should push for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly urban landscape.
Ireland has a short memory when it comes to immigration
Written by: Juliette
Juliette shares why she thinks Ireland should be more accepting of immigrants coming to Ireland.
Living with unfair masculine body standards
Written by: Presly Jeche
Presly sheds light on the rising number of men living with eating disorders and shares how everyone can challenge body standards for men.
“Mincéirs: Paving the Way” Podcast with Hosts Latisha McCrudden and Emma Ward
‘Mincéirs: Paving the Way’ highlights the unique issues faced by the Traveller community, and encourages individuals to feel empowered and confiden...
Why I’m worried about the Government’s proposal on Disability Reform
Written by: Ross Boyd
The Irish Government wants to change how certain social welfare payments work, but Ross is worried the new system might make it hard for people wit...
Why I am voting no on the care referendum
Written by: Ross Boyd
With a referendum on the way Ross shares how he decided he will vote yes on the family amendment, but why the care amendment worries him.
Why sports is important to friendships between men
Written by: Craig Doyle
Craig discusses the significance that sports has on societal norms when men form and sustain friendships.
How the climate crisis is impacting people in the global south
Written by: Fatima Ismail
Speaking with a local from Sudan in North Africa, Fatima reveals how rising global temperatures unfairly affect the Global South.
Greenwashing, COP 28, and why we, as young people, are the answer
Written by: Peter O'Neill
Peter O'Neill dives into the world of greenwashing at COP 28, the climate conference, and how we can take action against it.