
USI is the national representative body for the 374,000 students in third level education on the Island of Ireland. We are a membership organisation – our members are our affiliated Students’ Unions around Ireland, North and South.

The Regional Skills & Training Centre is a large training facility located on the Coes Road, Dundalk, Co Louth.

Not So Different is a social enterprise that supports individuals who are neurologically diverse, including those with Autism, move towards employment.

The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a college and university scheme that offers places on reduced points and extra college support to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are resident in the Republic of Ireland

eCollege provides online and distrance training courses across a broad range of subjects, including free courses, for Irish residents.

The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) is a college and university admissions scheme which offers college places on a reduced points basis. The scheme is available to school leavers under 23 years old with disabilities who have completed an Irish Leaving Certificate.

The CAO provides support and information on the application process to colleges and universities, or Irish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), in Ireland.

An Cosán provides people of all ages with pathways to learning, leadership and enterprise by offering courses from basic level up to BA.

AHEAD provides support and information for people with disabilities on further education and training, higher education and graduate employment.

ADHD Ireland provides support and services for people with ADHD & those who support them, including support groups, courses & helplines.

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