Sister Sheds is a membership organisation that provides a space where women can come together, empower one another, and provide support to each other. They run wellness programmes and workshops. You can join a Shed in Dublin, Meath or Kildare for €42.50 per annum.
Galway Community Café is a free out-of-hours adult mental health service designed and run by people with lived experience of mental health challenges, and / or supporting those with lived experience.
Men's Sheds are a place for men to connect with each other and improve their own well being. A ‘men’s shed’ is a community based project, where men can come together to learn, share skills and make long-lasting friendships together.
The Irish Men’s Sheds Association provides a list of all Men's Shed locations around Ireland.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Ireland provides information, support and advocacy services to the MS community.
The Migraine Association of Ireland provides support, education, information and reassurance to people suffering from migraine and other headache disorders.
Headway provides rehabilitation services for people living with Acquired Brain Injury, to help them improve their quality of life and level of independence.
The Irish Heart Foundation provides information and support relating to the promotion of heart health and various heart-related ailments.
Inspire provides an environment to open up about personal health experiences and share sensitive health information.
Illness Benefit provides information on schemes to support you if you cannot work in the short term if you are ill.
Irish Therapy Dogs provides a pet therapy service on a national basis.
Irish Hospice Foundation provides support for people facing the end of life or bereavement and for those who care for them.
HSE Mental Health Supports provide a list of mental health supports, phone lines, services, apps and more for those dealing with mental health issues.