SpunOut.ie’s Sexual Consent Quiz
Take our Sexual Consent Quiz and improve your knowledge around consent

What is sexual consent?
When having any type of sex, consent is an agreement between all participants that they definitely want to do any sexual act. Everyone needs to fully, clearly, and continually agree to it. This means that they have the right to change their mind at any time, for any reason, without any consequences.
When is sexual consent needed?
Consent is needed for vaginal, anal or oral sex, mutual masturbation, sexual touching or kissing. Consent is also needing for sexting, sending sexual material online, or making sexual comments or propositions.
How can sexual consent be expressed?
Someone cannot express their consent through someone else, their clothes or how they dance. Consent can be expressed both verbally and physically - so it can be with words, as well as actions and body language.
Consent cannot be given if...
A person cannot legally consent if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This means a person cannot consent if they are drunk or high.
The legal age to consent to engage in a sexual act in Ireland is...
The law says that a person must be 17 to be able to consent to engaging in a sexual act. This means that a person under the age of 17 is not legally old enough to consent to a sexual act even if they want to.
You should stop having sex with someone if...
Although they are some of the reasons why you should stop having sex with someone there are also others to keep in mind. It is important to read your partner's body language when having sex to ensure that they are enjoying it and want to continue. Although your partner may have agreed to have sex at the beginning, they can change their mind at any time. Pay attention to your partner to make sure that they are continuously enjoying the experience.
If you think someone wants to have sex with you, you should...
In all circumstances where we are intimate with someone consent needs to be established first. Asking someone if they want to have sex or engage in any sexually activity is the best way to ensure that they have consented. Pay attention to your partner if their body language changes ask them if they are happy to continue.
If you are being intimate with someone and they say they want to stop you should...
Consent should be given freely without any manipulation, convincing, or threats. Respect if your partner says they don't want to continue and do not sulk or try to make them feel guilty because of that.