Criodán Ó Murchú

My issues with DCU’s blood transfusion protests

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

Criodán looks at why the DCUSU are taking a stand against the MSM blood transfusion restrictions and the impact it can have

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Reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

It's important to take some time to reflect on the impact of the pandemic, the vaccine and future changes

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Why young people want a change in Irish politics

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

Looking back over 2020, Criodán talks about the rise of Sinn Féin around the general election

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How COVID-19 will impact college life

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

Criodán looks at how colleges will have to adapt to the pandemic and the impact it will have on student life

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Why we need a better public healthcare system

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

Criodán shares his recent healthcare journey and why supporting everyone in need is vital

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Why trusted scientific information is needed during COVID-19

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

Criodán talks about the importance of science communication and listening to the experts around COVID-19

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Why we need to support college students during the COVID-19 pandemic

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

With colleges closed it has been a difficult time for many students who feel they are getting little support

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Are social media detoxes a good idea?

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

Do you feel like you need a break from social media or need to think about posts differently?

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Why we need to fix the direct provision system

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

Criodán talks about the problems with direct provision and why we need to support asylum seekers who come to Ireland

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Why we need to find solutions to Ireland’s drinking culture

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

Criodán looks at the main issues around Ireland's drinking culture and what we can do about it

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How to make the most of your time in college

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

It's natural to be nervous about starting college, but there are things you can do to enjoy yourself more in college

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Empowering young people and lowering the voting age

Written by: Criodán Ó Murchú

Criodán challenges some of the commons reasons people argue against lowering the voting age

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