Criodan O’Murchu

How scientific facts are being drowned out on social media

Written by: Criodan O'Murchu

Criodán talks about the anti-vaccination and climate change denial movement and why they're so dangerous

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Why voting is so important for all young people

Written by: Criodan O'Murchu

Criodán talks about the history of voting in Ireland and how voting lets you have your voice and opinions heard

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What causes climate change?

Written by: Criodan O'Murchu

Climate change, or global warming, can be hard to get your head around but understanding the basics can be a big help.

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How exercise and meditation help my mental health

Written by: Criodan O'Murchu

Criodán has been out cycling and running recently and finds he has more energy and is sleeping better.

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Student accommodation is getting more expensive and harder to find

Written by: Criodan O'Murchu

Criodán talks about the protests in NUIG and DCU and what the issues with student accommodation are.

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What I wish I’d know before the Leaving Cert

Written by: Criodan O'Murchu

Criodán shares his advice for getting through the Leaving Cert and deciding your path after that

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4 ways to improve your critical thinking

Written by: Criodan O'Murchu

Critical thinking is so important these days when there is so much information available to us.

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The pros and cons of having the internet at your fingertips

Written by: Criodan O'Murchu

Ahead of International Day of Universal Access to Information, Criodán looks at how the internet and smartphones have changed the way we view the w...

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How I built my confidence in secondary school

Written by: Criodan O'Murchu

After being bullied in primary school, Criodán has some advice on making a conscious effort to build confidence

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