Jack Eustace

Interested in attending a major youth mental health conference?

Written by: Jack Eustace

The organisers are offering to cover registration costs for a limited number of young people

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“Votes at 16” bill blocked by senators

Written by: Jack Eustace

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael voted to ‘freeze’ the proposal

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Ombudsman welcomes ban on sentencing children to adult prisons

Written by: Jack Eustace

The Minister for Children has received the support of cabinet for the move

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HSE warns against buying alcohol from unlicensed sellers

Written by: Jack Eustace

Public health alert issued after Dubliner hospitalised

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Can social media make us feel more alone?

Written by: Jack Eustace

New study finds link between online activity and feelings of isolation

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Report warns of link between inequality and suicide

Written by: Jack Eustace

Top charity calls for more support to those at risk

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New coalition calls for action on Sustainable Development Goals

Written by: Jack Eustace

Over a hundred civil society groups have come together to champion the UN targets

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At last: new rights for children in Direct Provision

Written by: Jack Eustace

Young asylum seekers can now access the Children's Ombudsman

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So, what’s happening in Northern Ireland?

Written by: Jack Eustace

Find out what's going on with the leadership and election in Northern Ireland

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