Joyce Reilly

How support from my family and counsellors helped when I was suicidal

Written by: Joyce Reilly

Joyce talks about her experience with suicidal thoughts and how support from friends, family and counsellors helped

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How I reached out for help after years of bullying

Written by: Joyce Reilly

Having been bullied in school, Joyce talks about the turning point and getting help from her family

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How I started my recovery from anorexia

Written by: Joyce Reilly

Joyce shares her story of living with anorexia and looks back on her recovery

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My experience of being a woman in Ireland today

Written by: Joyce Reilly

Joyce talks about her experiences as a young woman in Ireland today, and how these experiences have made her feel

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How I manage my grief at Christmas time

Written by: Joyce Reilly

Christmas can be a difficult time for anyone dealing with grief. Joyce shares how she manages her grief over the holidays.

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What you need to know if you want to work abroad in a bar

Written by: Joyce Reilly

Joyce spent a summer working in Marbella and has some advice for anyone thinking about working abroad

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