Could you be Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year 2020?

Entries are open for Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year 2020, for young filmmakers from Ireland and abroad.


Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year 2020 is part of the Fresh International Film Festival. The festival is open to young people aged 7-18 and will take place in Limerick from the 23rd to the 28th of March, 2020.

The festival is currently accepting submissions from young filmmakers to be screened at the festival next year.


The festival has junior (7-12 years), senior (13-18 years) and international categories. You can enter as an individual or with your school or a group.

Senior category

The senior category for those aged 13 to 18 costs €16 to enter one film, with discounts available for multiple entries. Films must be 15 minutes or less including credits. Prizes for the senior category are as follows:

  • 1st Prize – €1,000
  • 2nd Prize – €700
  • 3rd Prize – €300
  • Best Group – Equipment

All winners will also get a plaque.

Senior finalists’ films will be screened at one of the regional heats, which take place in Dublin, Cork, Galway, and Limerick during early March and at the Fresh Film Festival on the 28th of March.

Junior category

The junior category is for those aged is for those aged between seven and 12. It also costs €16 euro per film to enter, with discounts for multiple films available. Films in this category must be 10 minutes or less including credits. The prizes for the junior category are as follows:

  • 1st Prize – Plaque / Equipment
  • 2nd Prize – Plaque
  • 3rd Prize – Plaque

All winners will also get a goodie bag.

Junior finalists’ films will be screened on the 27th March at the Fresh Film Festival.

International category

Entry to the international category is free and open to those living outside of Ireland between the ages of seven and 18. The International award will be presented to the best international film.

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