Take part in the ‘Change’ Climate Justice Eco Week

ECO-UNESCO are hosting a week-long event to explore the topic of climate justice


ECO-UNESCO is inviting young people from across Ireland to join Eco Week, a series of free online events that explore the topic of climate justice. All the events and activities are designed to give young people the knowledge and the skills they need to feel empowered to stand up, be heard, and create change.

This event is part of the Youth Climate Justice Challenge, which gives young people in Ireland the opportunity to develop a climate justice project, taking local action within their communities. Young people across Ireland have been working on their climate justice projects over the last number of months, and will share what they’ve been doing to take action in their local community at the showcase event at the end of the Eco Week.

The Youth Climate Justice Challenge is delivered by ECO-UNESCO in partnership with SpunOut.ie, The Girls’ Brigade, Irish Girl Guides, The No Name Club, and Young Irish Film Makers.

What is Eco Week 2020?

Across Eco Week, you will have the opportunity to hear stories from young activists, learn more about climate justice and how to talk to your friends and family about climate change, and explore new and different ways to communicate about climate justice.

Eco Week will run from Monday 30th November – Saturday 5th December

Eco Week 2020 event list:

  • Monday, 30th November, 6pm: Why Change? How to talk about Climate Justice
  • Tuesday, 1st December, 6pm: Who’s the change? Meet the activists
  • Wednesday, 2nd December, 6pm: How to change? Meet the politicians
  • Thursday, 3rd December, 6pm: Go Dance for Change
  • Friday, 4th December, 6pm: Get creative with the change: Meet the creatives
  • Saturday, 5th December, 4:30pm: I’m the change! Showcase and award ceremony

To sign up for any of the events, visit the ECO-UNESCO website. These events will host speakers from Ireland and different parts to the world who work in climate justice.

Showcase and award ceremony

To finish up Eco Week, ECO-UNESCO will be hosting a showcase and award ceremony to share the action that young people involved in the Youth Climate Justice Challenge have been taking in their local communities.

The showcase and award ceremony will take place from 4:30pm – 6pm.

Register for the Climate Justice Eco Week now.

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