Obi Ekoba (Fine Gael- Ballyfermot-Drimnagh)
The local elections are taking place Friday 24th May, 2019
Name: Obi Ekoba
Age: 20
Preferred pronouns: Did not answer
Party: Fine Gael
Local Electoral Area: Ballyfermot-Drimnagh
Is this your first time running? Yes, I’m a first time candidate
What are your reasons for running as a young person in politics?
I decided to run as a young person because I felt my area needed change and I wanted to be that change. The problems of the area, such as litter, antisocial behaviour and lack of facilities have basically been an issue for decades and I don’t believe they will be solved anytime soon if the same old same old type of candidate keeps on getting elected. I aim to bring enthusiasm and a change of perspective to the office.