Exam checklist: 10 things to prepare the night before an exam

Make sure you feel prepared for exam day by reading through our exam checklist.


Exam time can be stressful, and even when you’re on top of your studying, things can still go wrong if you don’t have everything you need. 

Exam checklist

Avoid any last-minute stress on the morning of the exam or in the exam hall by preparing everything you need the night before. Our checklist will help you to prepare. If your school or college has exam regulations, it is a good idea to read them before your exams to ensure that the things you are bringing on the day are permitted.

1. Timetable

It is a good idea to always have a copy of your timetable to hand so you know exactly what exam is next, where you need to be, and when you need to be there.

2. Your exam number or student number

If you don’t know it off by heart, make sure to bring your exam or student number with you. You will need to write this on your paper, so it’s important to have it.

3. Your student card or ID

Many colleges require you to bring a student card or some form of ID with you to your exam. Make sure you have it ready the night before your exam.

4. Pens/ pencils

It might seem obvious but, when you have so many things to remember on the day, it is easy to show up to an important exam without a pen. It is a good idea to bring some spares in case your ink runs out. Try not to overload the desk as you might get distracted.

5. Calculator

If you need a calculator, make sure to double check you’ve packed it the night before. If you can, find out the battery power so you can be sure it won’t die in the exam. You might consider bringing a second calculator with you, just in case.

6. A watch

Having a watch on your desk will help you to keep track of the time. It’s important to make sure you give yourself enough time for each question, and avoid spending too much time on questions that offer little marks.

7. Prepare your clothes

Try to have your clothes ready the night before so you’re not stressing trying to find something to wear on the morning of the exam. Try to go for something that is comfortable. It can be a good idea to wear layers so that you can find comfort if the temperature of the exam hall changes.

8. Special equipment

If you’re doing tech drawing or any similar subjects, make sure you have the equipment that you need such as rulers, a compass, protractor and a set square.

9. Water

Keeping hydrated can help you to stay focused during an exam so make sure to bring some water with you. You can also bring a snack or two in case you feel hungry during exams. Some schools or colleges do not allow food or drink into exam halls, so it is a good idea to check this before the day.

10. Avoid tipp-ex

If you make a mistake during the exam, try not to use correction fluids. Instead, you can put a line through the mistake you’ve made. Make sure the error is still somewhat visible as examiners can still take into account any rough work you do and give you marks for them.

Above all else, stay calm and get to your exam early. Find out what you can do on the morning of the exam.

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