8 ways to remember to take your medication

There are a number of things you can try to avoid forgetting about your medication

Last Updated: Feb-24-25


Many of us have had to take medication on a set schedule at some stage in our lives. Some people have to take medication consistently; however, not everyone finds it easy to take their prescription meds at the right time or at the right frequency.

It is always important to take medication just as a doctor instructs. Some medications, such as antidepressants or other mental health meds, can have nasty side effects if a dose is missed.

If you find you have difficulty remembering to take your medication daily or at the same time everyday, there are techniques that you can try to help you stick to a routine.

Why is it important to remember to take your medication?

If you have been prescribed a medication, it is important to remember to take it. Not following the instructions given by a doctor about how to take medication can mean that the treatment will not work as it is meant to.

It is especially important you remember to take antibiotics and to take the full course of them, even if you start to feel better before you are done taking them.

How often should you take your medication?

Always read the label and consult your pharmacist or doctor to find out how often you should be taking your medication.

As a general rule, medications must be taken regularly during the day, and evenly spaced out. This means if you have 12 hours when you will be awake, and you have to take three tablets a day, try to take one tablet every four hours. If you have set times when you usually take your meds, try to remember to take them within the hour of the scheduled time.

What happens if I miss a dose of medication?

It is important that you take all of the doses of medication in one day. If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If you don’t remember until your next dose is due, just continue as normal. Whatever you do, do not double dose your medication, as this could cause negative side effects.

While missing one dose is not of great concern, regularly missing doses can be a serious problem, so make sure you stay on top of your meds.

Do you have to eat when taking medication?

Whether or not you have to eat with your meds can depend on the type of medication you’re taking, which is why it’s important to make sure you follow the instructions that come with your medication.

If you are told to eat an hour before taking your medication, make sure you do, because this could affect how the medication is absorbed into your bloodstream.

How can I remember to take my medication?

It can be easy to forget to take your meds, but there are many different things you can try to remind yourself. Once you find the one that works for you, you’re less likely to forget.

1. Learn about your medication

Learning about your medication is a good way to motivate yourself to remember to take them. If you understand your medical condition, how your meds works and what could happen if you don’t take a dose, you are more likely to remember to take it. Learning about side effects is also a good idea so that you can spot it early on if you start to feel any unwanted effects.

2. Pill boxes

Pill boxes are used to help you remember which pills you should be taking, and on what days of the week. At a glance you will be able to see if you have taken your pills for the day, and how many you have taken.

These pill boxes can be found in most pharmacies and are small enough to slip into a bag or a pocket to bring around during the day with you. Some pill boxes have compartments for both daytime and nighttime meds, or for multiple doses per day.

Avoid leaving your pill box in a hot car, as it could affect your medication.

3. Setting an alarm

You could simply set an alarm or reminder on your phone to go off at the same time every day to remind you to take your medication. Set the alarm to repeat so that you don’t have to switch it back on each day, you can just set it once and won’t have to worry about it again.

4. Pill reminder apps

If you would prefer not to have to set manual reminders on your clock, there are plenty of apps that can help you track which medication you should be taking and when. Apps can help you track all your medication at once and remember if you have or have not taken them. Some apps allow you to store photos of your medication if you prefer visual aids.

5. Calendar alerts

If you prefer not to use a mobile to track your meds, you can try using a paper calendar or diary. Mark the time down on the day that you are due to take the medication, and tick it or cross it off after you have taken it.

In order for this to work, you will need to make sure to update the calendar frequently. The main purpose of this is to get you into a regular routine to remember to take your medication.

6. Try to make your medication a part of your routine

Try tying your medication doses with a daily routine, such as eating breakfast, brushing your teeth or having a shower. Many people find it helpful to plan doses around breakfast, lunch and dinner, as these times are usually set every day.

It also helps to put your medication in an open area where they will be in plain sight – this can help jog your memory if you forget to take a dose. You must be careful when leaving your medication out as a reminder. Do not leave them in a place which is either too hot or cold for their storage requirements. If they need to be kept in the fridge, try posting sticky notes in other places to remind you of them. Be mindful to never leave your medication within reach of children or animals, as this could have serious consequences.

7. Get help from family members or friends

Many people take medication on a daily basis. Talk to other people you know who take meds on a regular basis and ask them what they do to make sure they take it each day.

If you are living with other people taking medication, or if you are on a number of different types of meds, it might be helpful to mark your medication with your name, the dose you should take, and what they are used for, so that there’s no mix up.

8. Ask your pharmacist to help you make your medication routine easier

If none of the above work, or you find you are still struggling to remember to take your meds correctly and at the right time, talk to your pharmacist or doctor and ask if they can help you to make your meds routine easier.

For example, if you are struggling to remember to take them three times a day, you could ask if there is a different medication that is used for the same reason that only needs to be taken once a day.

If you are in a situation where you have to take different meds at different times during the day to avoid reactions between the two, ask your doctor is there are any other medications which will not react. The aim of talking to your doctor and pharmacist is to lower to amount of times a day you need to take meds.

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