How can you contribute?
Tips for contributing to the people and community around you.

Contributing to friendships, family and the community around you can improve your mental health.
Tips for contributing positively to the world around you:
- Volunteer. Giving your time up to a cause that you are passionate about is a great way to give back to the community and help those in need.
- Donate. You can contribute some money to local causes and make a difference to the services they provide.
- Smile at a stranger. Positivity is infectious but taking the time to smile or saying ‘Hi’ to a stranger could be the little something that brightens up their day.
- Do something nice for a friend. Surprise a loved one when they least expect it. Help out if they’re moving house, make them dinner or just let them know you are there with a listening ear when they need it.
- Give blood. Donating some of your blood could save a person’s life ¬– blood transfusions are life saving procedures and it’s free and easy to do.
- Pay someone a compliment. Irish people are famous for not being able to accept a compliment but we love hearing them nonetheless. Admiring a co-workers new haircut or praising the work of a loved one is an easy way to improve a person’s mood.
- If you see something that annoys you, instead of having a moan and doing nothing- go and do something about it.
- Treat people the way you would like to be treated yourself.
- Protect the environment. Reduce your carbon footprint by recycling and conserving water.
- Share your skills and talents with people or the community where they need it. If you’re a whizz at social media, try and help improve the profile of a local organisation or charity.