Robert O’Donnell (Labour Party- Cashel-Tipperary)

The local elections take place Friday 24th May, 2019)

Name: Robert O’Donnell

Age: 22 years old

Preferred pronouns: He/Him

Party: The Labour Party

Local electoral area: Cashel-Tipperary

Is this your first time running? Yes, I am a first Time Candidate

What are your reasons for running as a young person in politics? 

I am running in this election because I don’t want to sit on the sidelines and let other people run the country, I’m tired of seeing the same old politicians getting elected and no progress ever being made. I want to bring my passion and fighting spirit to Tipperary County Council and try to change the way things are. It’s no good just protesting, if you want change you need to be that change and unseat those you think are not doing a good job. I want to bring jobs, opportunity and hope back to Tipperary, we deserve better than what we are currently getting and if elected I will fight every single day for the people of Tipperary and Cashel.

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