Beat Social Anxiety Disorder with Step Out Ireland
Step Out Ireland organise group meetings for people living with SAD

Step Out Ireland aims to reduce the detrimental effects of Social Anxiety Disorder by organising interaction groups, which provide a welcoming environment for people to step out of their anxiety and make new connections, thereby increasing confidence and sense of belonging.
Step Out Ireland believe that being able to meet new people is an imperative for people with Social Anxiety to be able to lead fulfilling lives. The main way they provide this is by organising Positive Step Groups – regular social interaction opportunities for our members where they can connect with other people with SAD, build social confidence and feel a sense of belonging whilst in an environment that is tailored to and understanding of their anxiety.
Step Out Ireland has group meetings in Cork, Limerick and Dublin at the moment, with plans to grow more in 2017. The awesome work the Step Out Ireland organisation and volunteers do was recently recognised by Social Entrepreneurs Ireland.
Where Positive Step Groups are not available or members are not able to attend, Step Out facilitators are available for a social interaction via phone or email. They also provide information on other support services beneficial to its members as well as one off information workshops i.e. body language, presentation skills, job hunting.
What is Social Anxiety Disorder?
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is the irrational and excessive fear of social situations and interactions. It is estimated that 1 in 8 people in Ireland suffer from SAD.
You can find out more about Step Out Ireland on their website, Facebook page and Twitter.
Looking for a volunteer opportunity in 2017? Want to make a real difference to the lives of people with social anxiety disorder? Contact us
— Step Out Ireland (@StepOutIreland) January 29, 2017