Take part in a free Stress Control Online programme with the HSE

The programme is free of charge and runs for six sessions until the 20th of April


The HSE, Health & Wellbeing are offering a free Stress Control Online programme, starting on the 13th April, via Stresscontrol.org. This is a three week programme that is free of charge and delivered by Dr. Jim White, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Stress Control Ltd.

Stress Control Online Programme

As part of the programme there are six free sessions available. The first session begins on the 13th April and the session will also be repeated on Wednesday 15th April at 8:30pm. Each session will play twice a day, at 2pm and repeated at 8.30 pm, on Mondays and Thursdays beginning on the 13th April. 

What does the stress control programme cover?

The six sessions, 90 minutes per session, will cover the topics of what is stress, controlling your body, controlling your thoughts, controlling panicky feelings, getting a good night’s sleep, boosting your wellbeing and controlling your future. You can choose to take part in all sessions or just the ones you feel are relevant to you.

Session One: What is stress?

  • Monday 13th April and repeated Wednesday 15th April
  • First showing: 2-3:30pm
  • Second showing: 8:30 -10pm 

Session Two: Controlling your body

  • Thursday 16th April
  • First showing: 2-3:30pm
  • Second showing: 8:30 -10pm

Session Three: Controlling your thoughts

  • Monday 20th April
  • First showing: 2-3:30pm
  • Second showing: 8:30 -10pm

Session Four: Controlling your actions

  • Thursday 23rd April
  • First showing: 2-3:30pm
  • Second showing: 8:30 -10pm

Session Five: Controlling panicky feelings and getting good night’s sleep

  • Monday 27th April
  • First showing: 2-3:30pm
  • Second showing: 8:30 -10pm

Session Six: Boosting your wellbeing, tying it all together and controlling your future

  • Thursday 30th April
  • First showing: 2-3:30pm
  • Second showing: 8:30 -10pm

How can I take part? 

In order to take part in these sessions on line:

  • Click on stresscontrol.org and follow instructions about how to ‘Subscribe’ to Stress Control’s YouTube page, this is a free subscription
  • You will then receive notifications when a new session is available. You can also follow this link
  • See HSE website for the outline of the programme 

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