Ben Strafford (Fianna Fáil- Glencullen Sandyford)

The local elections take place Friday 24th May, 2019

Name: Ben Stafford


Preferred pronouns: him/he

Party: Fianna Fáil

Local Electoral Area: Glencullen Sandyford

Is this your first time running? yes.

What are your reasons for running as a young person in politics:

Having first gotten involved with Comhairle na nÓg when I was a teenager, I got to understand the local authorities functions and powers. I have been involved in many community groups for a number of years, I see first-hand the great work these do with little council support. If am given the honour of being elected I will do my best to ensure those organisations are adequately supported by the council.

I feel strongly about housing and believe the council has it part to play in providing social and affordable homes. The property tax is another area I feel strongly about. If elected I will do my best to ensure the property tax is as fair as possible for residents and to ensure they get value for money in our community. To ensure and expand activities and programmes for young people living in our community, especially in the area of mental and physical health.

I believe young people can and should lead from the front on climate action to pressure local and national government to implement and invest adequately in this area.

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