Daniel Keenan (Fianna Fáil- Clane L.E.A)
The local elections are taking place Friday 24th May, 2019)
Name: Daniel Keenan
Age: 26
Preferred pronouns: Mr
Party: Fianna Fáil
Local Electoral Area: Clane L.E.A.
Is this your first time running? YES
What are your reasons for running as a young person in politics?
My interest in politics stems from my childhood. My grandparents were local business owners and so, whether I was at their home or in their shop current affairs was always on the radio. There was no getting away from political discussion and debates. Especially around my birthday every year in early December when Charlie McCreevys budget speeches would feature heavily. However, my passion for local politics really became tenfold after a family tragedy occurred resulting in the death of my younger brother Adam. He was swimming with friends in the River Liffey near Clane. Afterwards, a campaign to secure lifebuoy rings around the river in Clane was successful. With many local people from across the town to rally around us in our time of grief. And slowly but surely my passion grew again for life and for my local area and the community. So now I want to work for the betterment of my area and not have to wait for tragedy to strike for positive change to happen.