Declan Meenagh (Labour- Cabra/Glasnevin)

The local elections take place on Friday 24th May, 2019

Name: Declan Meenagh

Age: 29 years old

Preferred pronouns: He/Him

Party: Labour

Local Electoral Area: Cabra/Glasnevin

Is this person a first-time candidate? This is the second time I have run for Local Election

What are your reasons for running as a young person in politics?

I have a severe visual impairment and use a white stick to get around. I overcome obstacles every day to get around the city and to live my life. This has spurred me into fighting for equality for all and is the reason that I got involved in politics. I have been a member of Labour Youth since studying in Maynooth. I have been active in the community and on community-based campaigns, such as Tidy Towns, Clean-ups, and the Community Policing Forum for many years. I was also very active during the Marriage Equality referendum and the Repeal campaign.

I want to use my skills and experience to build a better future. I want to live in a world where disability is not a barrier, wealth is shared, workers are respected and valued, and where we have gender equality. I want a future where people with disabilities, migrants, the LGBTQ community and Travelling Community all feel equal in our society. As a young candidate with a disability, I bring a new perspective to this election. I strongly believe that a better world is possible; a world all people are treated equally.

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