Séafra Ó Faoláin (Green Party- Blackrock, Dublin)

The local elections will take place Friday 24th May, 2019)

Name: Séafra Ó Faoláin

Age: 22

Preferred pronouns: He/Him

Party: Green Party / Comhaontas Glas

Local electoral area: Blackrock

Is this your first time running? Yes

What are your reasons for running as a young person in politics?

My main priority is climate action. It is the biggest challenge facing my generation and the ones coming after us. We must show leadership; delaying strong climate policy is tantamount to denying the science of climate change. Beyond idealistic and moral arguments, climate action makes economic sense, as Ireland will fail to meet its legally-binding EU targets in 2020, thus incurring up to €600 million in fines, and we are likely to fail to meet the 2030 goals. This money is much better spent creating jobs and fostering a strong green economy. If we want green, we must vote green.

My other priority is mental health. I want a fundamental shift in how we treat mental health. Children, young people and the elderly in particular face many evolving challenges, for which a holistic approach is needed, prioritising prevention and early intervention. We must introduce greater well-being initiatives in our schools, colleges and communities.

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