New app that offers free mental health support for 3rd level students
Connect with a youth mental health professional in a space that works for you.

What is MOST?
MOST, short for Moderated Online Social Therapy, is a new app that blends online tools with human support to assist you before, during and after your face-to-face counselling sessions.
It is a completely free service for young people to feel heard, safe, and free to express themselves. Currently in trial stage in Ireland, and is designed for third-level students that face ongoing mental health difficulties and have sought treatment.
MOST understands that you want choice and flexibility with your mental health support. You want to be able to choose when and where you access it, and you want to be able to do so in a space that feels safe, engaging and judgement-free. That’s why MOST allows you to access support on your own terms. You choose how you want to engage with the resources and human support they offer.
What is PSYcHE?
PSYcHE is a 5 year programme funded by the Health Research Board (HRB), building on YOULEAD, knowledge, and partnerships which focuses on psychological interventions in youth mental health, with a particular emphasis on early psychosis.
The overarching aim of this research program is to improve psychosocial supports available to young people with serious mental health disorders by:
- Gathering evidence about predictors of psychosocial function in early psychosis and current evidence-based interventions
- Developing and evaluating novel interventions tailored to the needs of young people
- Using the knowledge that results to support translation into clinical practice
Connect with mental health professionals
MOST partners you with youth mental health professionals to get you connected. They’ll provide support with real people, like clinicians, career consultants, and peer workers. Their team is ready to help you.
MOST offers tailored therapy journeys for you to enjoy at your own pace with therapeutic mindfulness and compassion-focused content. You can also use MOST’s interactive social network, guided by peer mentors, to connect with other young people on their own recovery journeys. The app gives you access to a personalised library of tools, like action plans, strategies and activities that you can save to use at your convenience.
When you join, you are assigned with a peer support worker, who assists you with community-based support, and a therapist, your point of contact when navigating through MOST’s therapeutic content. You’ll also get the opportunity to speak directly with your therapist every two weeks.