Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in youth work

Create, invent and make with technology


The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) have launched an application process for their exciting new ‘STEM in Youth Work’ project. The project will help youth workers to inspire their young people to create, invent and make with confidence and curiosity, and increase engagement in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). As well as receiving a day of hands-on training and follow-up support. Participants will receive equipment that they can use to go on and deliver technology-enhanced activities spanning electronics, robotics and coding to music, arts and crafts for young people.

When and where:

  • Tallaght, Dublin 13th June

  • Blanchardstown, Dublin, 20th June

  • Ballincollig, Cork, 27th June

  • Galway City, 28th June

This project is for everyone with an interest in learning new and innovative methods of working with young people in ways that are most interesting to them, regardless of existing knowledge of science and technology. The follow-up support means that even if you are terrified of tech, after the one-day training, they will be on hand to help you overcome any teething problems you have with your activities, the equipment and so on.

This training and support package is heavily subsidised at a cost of €100 per participant. Each group of two participants per Organisation will take home €250 worth of equipment, while each group of four participants per organisation will take home €375 worth of equipment. If you are unable to attend in a group of 2 or 4, please contact [email protected] to see how we can accommodate you. Payment and cancellation policy details are available on the NYCI website.

Spaces are limited and will go to youth sector organisations first. If you are not from a youth sector organisation, please get in touch anyway by completing this form, and your details will be added to the waiting list. To ensure this project provides as many young people as possible with access to STEM activities, they encouraging participating youth workers to work together and to share equipment where possible.

The project will be delivered by the National Youth Council of Ireland and Camara Education Ireland’s Techspace programme and is funded by the Science Foundation Ireland.

To Book: Please click here to book your place on the course.

To find out more about the programme and the equipment you will receive, contact Barbara Nea on 01 4784122 or [email protected].

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