Dean Murray

Why Zeminar speaker Paddy Holohan got involved with politics

Written by: Dean Murray volunteer Dean talks to Paddy Holohan on why he moved from MMA to politics and what he hopes to achieve

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My inspiring conversation with Zeminar speaker Mark Pollock

Written by: Dean Murray volunteer Dean interviewed motivational speaker and explorer Mark Pollock ahead of his Zeminar speech

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‘Building the Future’ – the careers fair for graduates with disabilities

Written by: Dean Murray reporter Dean gives an overview of the "Building The Future" event

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Why I’m focusing on achieving two Sustainable Development Goals

Written by: Dean Murray

Dean talks about how he prioritises the Sustainable Development Goals that he feels he can work towards achieving

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My experience raising awareness about the SDGs

Written by: Dean Murray

Dean talks about some events he has attended around the SDGs and what he has learned through these experiences

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My experience at the European Union Youth Conference

Written by: Dean Murray

Dean talks about the three day conference and how you can get involved next year

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Marking World Refugee Day over a shared meal

Written by: Dean Murray

Dean attended the World Refugee Day event in St. Patrick's Cathedral and gives his take on the day

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