Isabel Schulte-Austum

How I live with the grief of losing my best friend to suicide

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Having lost her best friend to suicide, Isabel recalls a journey of grief, forgiveness, and keeping memories alive with acceptance.

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How I started and have continued my eating disorder recovery journey

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Isabel writes about her not-so-straightforward eating disorder recovery and how choosing to recover is a daily process.

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Weighing up the pros and cons of taking psychiatric medication

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Isabel recalls her journey towards developing a treatment programme that includes discovering the right medication for her.

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Advocating for yourself during mental health appointments

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Isabel outlines the steps she took to ensure she received the mental health treatment and support she needed.

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How can I support my emotional and mental wellbeing?

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Isabel talks about ways you can support your mental health and some support services that can also help

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Working as a camp counsellor can help build important life skills

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Isabel talks about the important skills she learned that will help with any job in the future

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Is Artificial Intelligence the future of mental health care?

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Isabel talks about how she believes artificial intelligence is a helpful tool for mental health care

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What happens when you give blood?

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Isabel gives blood as often as she can and talks us through the process

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Why it’s important to look at the positives of social media

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Isabel talks about the positive aspects of Instagram and how it can bring communities together

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Why ‘New Year New Me’ should be about self-love and acceptance

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Do your New Year's resolutions make you feel bad about yourself? If so, maybe it's time to look at your resolutions differently

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How I started my eating disorder recovery journey

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Looking back over the last three years, Isabel explains why November is an important time for her in her recovery.

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My tips for managing mental health at school or in college

Written by: Isabel Schulte-Austum

Isabel has some practical advice which might help you cope during the school year

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