Take 5 for Future: Preparing to strike

Not sure what to bring to a strike? This episode of Take 5 for Future has you covered.


spunout and FFF Dublin present ‘Take 5 for Future’, a weekly five-minute-long podcast discussing the importance of the #PreserveNotPollute Global Climate Strike happening in Dublin on March 25th. You can be a part of the movement to #PreserveNotPollute. Follow Fridays for Future Dublin on Instagram and send them a message for more information on how to get involved.

Take 5 for Future Episode 3 Transcript

Amy O’Brien
Hi, everyone. Once again, I’m Amy O’Brien. A climate justice activist from Cork, age 16 and I use she/her pronouns. For the third week of Take Five For Future, we hope you are starting to look forward to the March 25th Preserve Not Pollute strike in Dublin. So today I’m here with Zara Stafford, who is involved with Fridays for Future Dublin. Can you tell me a bit about what is involved in organising a strike and what you have to bring?

Zara Stafford
Yeah, of course. So for us as organisers, we tend to bring typically the basics So we will organise any sort of speakers and microphones or if there’s going to be a stage set up. So that would be done on our behalf. We’ll also maybe bring megaphones. Often we source fliers and stickers, which can be fun.

Zara Stafford
You know, you get to bring a little sticker home. But overall on our side, we plan the logistics of the actual strike. Scheduling, oftentimes, we have special speakers come to the strikes. And just overall, any sort of safety precautions during COVID, we had to be very much aware of numbers and distancing. So all that is kind of on our behalf.

Amy O’Brien
Brilliant and kind of on that note., what should anyone listening going along to the strike bring with them?

Zara Stafford
Yeah. So at the end of the day, there really isn’t any requirement of what someone should bring, just really themselves. But usually the biggest thing we’d recommend is posters. It’s a very effective way, especially in like photos even just people going past the protest. And it just really gets the message across. And there’s loads different ways to do posters.

Zara Stafford
You can print a poster, you can write a poster, can get old cardboard. Something that’s really fun as actually to get a group of friends together. Do a little poster colouring circul it always kind of adds a fun thing to it. But otherwise, stuff like water, maybe some snacks. And if you’re using public transport, it’s be a good idea to have, you know, your leapcard and your money.

Zara Stafford
But something that I always recommend to bring would be a powerbank. You’re probably recording videos or checking train times. So it’s very important just to make sure you have enough battery.

Amy O’Brien
True, that’s a good one. Yeah I really like having a bright kind of poster just make sure you get your message across. It’s a really good idea and, and have advice actually for anyone going to their, their first strike maybe like where to stand, what to do and kind of what’s it like? Any advice?

Zara Stafford
Yeah, of course. So I attended my first strike last year and of course it is very nerve wracking but you’re kind of all in it with everyone. Everyone’s there for the same reason for the same message. So at the end of the day, if you just show up then if you, you know, go along with the chants and if you hold up your posters, that’s perfect.

Zara Stafford
That’s exactly what’s needed.

Amy O’Brien
Absolutely. I think everyone’s really delighted to have you there so just kind of yeah, it’s such a big step just to go. And so finally, we also recognise that we are all constantly learning about climate justice. So can you tell me one climate related fact to add on to all of our knowledge already?

Zara Stafford
Yeah, of course. So just kind of to do with the strikes. Since 2019 altogether we’ve had over 100,000 people attend strikes and every number really does count and adds up to make the difference. So even though you know, you might yourself feel small, you’re only one person, it does add up and it does make the difference. We’re all in it together.

Amy O’Brien
Yeah, absolutely. I think that’s so true that, you know, we’re kind of, we’re all part of something so much bigger than any of us and I think that’s a good question. Like what do you have a particular kind of when you’re, you’ve got big crowds around you and you’re in the strike? Do you have any particular feeling, do you feel kind of hope with that?

Amy O’Brien
Or is there kind of do you feel like you’re part of that bigger movement maybe?

Zara Stafford
Yes definitely, there is a sense of kind of adrenaline when you’re there at the strike like “oh, my goodness were here we’re striking.” There is a lot of excitement in the air, and it really is. at the end of the day, everyone is there fighting for the same reason. So you kind of know there’s something alike with you, with everyone there. You’re all similar. You all have similar interests.

Zara Stafford
So it is very a good and warm environment. And it is very helpful because everyone is fighting for same thing.

Amy O’Brien
Amazing. So thank you so much for chatting to me. Thank you and I hope everyone now has learned more as always. And tune in next week for another Take Five for Future and remember to check out @FridaysForFutureDublin on Instagram and just DM them to get involved. Bye!

Zara Stafford

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