Ross Boyd

Is Ireland’s new Climate Action Bill enough?

Written by: Ross Boyd

Following the release of the 2021 IPCC report, Ross Boyd asks is Ireland delivering on its climate promises?

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How the pressure on men impacts our mental health

Written by: Ross Boyd

Ross talks about gender expectations and the impact this has on how he feels about himself and others

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How COVID has changed college life

Written by: Ross Boyd

COVID has had an impact on all areas of college life - from lectures and grades, to societies and social lives.

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Should the Department of Children and Youth Affairs be abolished?

Written by: Ross Boyd

Ross talks about why he believes this department should stay and why it's so important for young people

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Why the European Union has so much to offer young people

Written by: Ross Boyd

Ross talks about the many opportunities young people have while living in Europe and why he is passionate about the EU

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Is climate change your priority in the General Election 2020?

Written by: Ross Boyd volunteer Ross thinks we need to make sure politicians know it's an important issue and we want to see action taken

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An inspirational conversation with changemakers from southern Africa

Written by: Ross Boyd

Ross talked with activists from southern Africa about common issues that affect young people

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Why I lobby MEPs for international development funding

Written by: Ross Boyd

Ross talks about his recent experience talking to MEPs about signing the ONE Vote pledge

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Why we should all lobby our politicans

Written by: Ross Boyd volunteer Ross has plenty of experience lobbying politicians and shares some of the benefits of it

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The benefits of commuting on a bike 

Written by: Ross Boyd

Ross recently started cycling instead of taking buses and trains, and has noticed the physical and mental health benefits

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The best steps to take to record your own podcast

Written by: Ross Boyd

After doing a podcast for a year in college, Ross has some tips for getting started

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My tips for managing your time in college

Written by: Ross Boyd

It can be difficult to manage your time in college with so much going on. Ross has some tips that he found useful

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