10 superfoods to include in your diet
Get these awesome energy foods into you to keep you going for longer.

Superfoods are basically those nutrient-rich foods that are good for you and keep you moving. Many superfoods gain their name because they have nutrients that are beneficial to specific parts and functions of the body.
Some superfoods contain antioxidants. Although these foods are deemed to have beneficial qualities, it is important to remember that they are not magic, and a diverse range of vitamins and healthy foods are still a necessity in your diet.
10 Superfoods to include in your diet
Take your pick; there are thousands in the bean category. Beans are a great source of protein, but they are also full of iron. They can be eaten raw or even baked, but when purchased in a can, be mindful of the added sugars. They’re relatively cheap as well! They are probably best known for their aid in colon health, but all jokes aside, a regulated and healthy colon is a factor in preventing cancerous cells from building up in the colon. Examples include: lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, couscous.
Salmon is another healthy source of protein, but this fish also gets your brain juices flowing. Salmon has your omega-3’s, which are the essential fats (that’s right, a fat you actually want a good supply of) that keep your heart and your brain healthy. But the specific omega-3s that fish, like salmon, have are called DHA, and DHA is essential to a healthy brain. However, the body does not produce DHA on its own; therefore eating food like salmon boosts the level of DHA in our brain cells and keeps our brains happy. This is likely why salmon is often considered to be good test-taking food.
Not only does it add flavor to your meals, but it also helps to stabilise blood pressure and cholesterol. Garlic is also packed with antioxidants. It has been determined that in order to receive the health benefits of garlic; to eat it fresh is the best option. However, like most things, garlic should be eaten in moderation. Just keep a tin of mints handy!
An egg for breakfast or any meal of the day provides protein and vitamins, A and D. The vitamin A nutrients in eggs are even linked to eye health. Vitamin D is essential to bone health and calcium intake. Hard-boiled or scrambled, recent studies have shown that it’s not just the egg whites anymore. In fact the yolk carries many of the healthy benefits of the egg. What’s important to know is that eggs are packed with cholesterol; this is not a bad thing, but should be taken into consideration when determining how many eggs are eaten a day.
Apples are high in fibre and vitamin C. Vitamin C is an immune system booster, while fibre is necessary for a healthy digestive system. The fibre found in apples helps to regulate your digestive tract, quicken metabolism, and prevent digestive diseases. Apples are also known to be good for your liver, eyes, and brain affecting diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Chickpeas are another terrific source of protein, especially for vegetarians. They are also packed with fibre and iron. You can toss them on a salad, or if you don’t prefer them in their natural form, make them into hummus for a healthy dip or spread!
How to make hummus quick and easy
Avocados are another source of those good fats. They also have potassium that helps to keep you awake, and is beneficial to those with diabetes. Avocados are not only beneficial for your insides but are also known to improve certain skin conditions, like psoriasis, and to give you a natural glow. You don’t need to go out and spend loads on the latest avocado-induced moisturisers either. Just eating the delicious fruit can help you reap the benefits in your pores, and pack the nutrients in your system.
Cranberries are brimming with antioxidants that are said to lower the risk of cancer. They have Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and fibre. They are often used for UTIs, even in juice form. This is because cranberries have specific nutrients that attack bacteria common to growing in the urinary tract and causing UTIs. However when drinking cranberry juice, it is important to be mindful of the added sugars and preservatives as not all cranberry juices are made to be healthy.
Spinach is loaded with iron, protein, and vitamins. Iron is directly involved with red blood cell count and beneficial for anaemia. Low levels of iron are often a cause of anaemia. Vitamin K is also found in spinach and is directly linked to healthy bones. One cup of spinach holds even more potassium than a cup of banana, a better-known potassium carrier. This includes cooked spinach.
Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, and available all year round. They are known for their vitamin C which is an immune system boosting vitamin, and the calcium storing, Vitamin K. They are also rich in lycopene, which is a cancer fighting antioxidant and protects against heart diseases. In fact, many of the nutrients in tomatoes are known to positively affect the heart’s health.Superfoods are basically those nutrient-rich foods that are good for you and keep you moving. Many superfoods gain their name because they have nutrients that are beneficial to specific parts and functions of the body.
Some superfoods contain antioxidants. Although these foods are deemed to have beneficial qualities, it is important to remember that they are not magic; a diverse range of vitamins and healthy foods are still a necessity in your diet.