Celebrating your Leaving Cert results
Enjoy the celebrations and look out for each other

You’ve just got your exam results and you’re planning on heading out tonight. The chances are that alcohol may play a part in your night, and even if you’re not drinking, some of your friends might be. When celebrating with alcohol or drugs, it is a good idea to know tips to reduce the potential harms and what to do if something goes wrong.
Keep in mind that if you are feeling down about your results, then alcohol might not be a good idea. Alcohol is a depressant and may add to your feelings of lowness or make you more emotional. Going out might be the last thing you feel like doing so don’t feel pressured into anything. But if you do drink, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Staying safe on exam results night
This is a night to enjoy yourself and have fun, but there are a few things you can do to look after yourself while you celebrate.
Think about what you drink
Not everyone will be drinking on exam results night and you shouldn’t feel pressured into it just because your friends are. If you do decide to consume alcohol, it is best not to mix your drinks. It’ll only increase the chances of you getting more drunk and sick the morning after.
Although you may want to pre-drink, if you drink too much before going on a night out you increase the risk of becoming sick or being refused access to clubs or bars. It is better to pace yourself while drinking throughout the night to be able to make the most of the experience.
Alcohol affects people differently
Alcohol affects everyone differently so even if you drink the same amount as your friends it does not mean that you will react in the same way. There are many things which will affect how easily you get drunk such as how fast you drink, your age, your weight or your gender. For more information about how alcohol affects different people visit askaboutalcohol.ie.
Drink water and eat food
Before you go on a night out it is important to make sure that you eat. Although you may want to get drunk, not eating will not help you to enjoy your night more but increase your risk of becoming sick or blacking out. Eating before drinking could also help reduce your hangover the next day.
A lot of hangover symptoms are caused by dehydration, so staying hydrated with water during your night out can also help reduce bad side effects the day after. Alternating alcohol drinks with glasses of water can also help you pace yourself and ensure you do not get too drunk.
How to help a friend who is drunk or high
If your friend starts to appear quite drunk, it might be a good idea to keep an eye on them. Stick with them if they leave the room or the pub, and encourage them to go home with you if you think they’ve had too much. You could also suggest going for food or to get some air.
If they pass out, put them in the recovery position, and get help from someone in the club or bar, or call an ambulance. Find out how to help a friend who is drunk or how to help a friend in a drug emergency.
If you bring them home in a taxi, be sure to roll down the window and have the taxi driver be prepared to pull over in case your friend vomits. If your friend is high and having a bad reaction to drugs, try to keep them calm and reassure them that the effects will wear off. Bring them somewhere with low lights. If you need to call an ambulance, be honest with the paramedics about what they have taken, because this information will help them to treat your friend.
Find out what to do if you think a drink has been spiked.
Tips for staying safe
- Don’t accept any drinks from strangers
- Try not to leave your drink unattended in general, if you have to go to the bathroom, make sure a friend is there
- If you’re getting a taxi home, make sure you set aside enough for the fare home
- Let your parents know where you might be, in case of emergencies and let them know what friends you’ll be heading out with
- Make sure your phone is topped up in case you get lost or separated from friends
- Have a place organised to meet up if you get split up from your friends
- Trust your instincts and if you feel uncomfortable, leave
- Look out for those who you go out with and get help if you feel uncomfortable with something that is happening
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