How to create a study space at home
It’s important when studying for exams to have our own space, which isn’t always easy. Here are some tips which might be useful.

Not everyone is going to have the ideal study space setup so we need to do what we can with the space we have.
Creating a study space at home
In an ideal world, we would have an office space or a spare room to study in. In reality, that is not the case for a lot of us. It can be helpful to realise you are not alone in this. Here are some things to keep in mind when thinking about where to study.
What are the essentials
It can be useful to think about what the essentials are. The top three things for most people are something to sit on, something to lean on and somewhere with the least amount of distractions. Think about what your top three things are.
Once you set up your space, it can also be helpful to have a calendar with important dates/deadlines, and your study timetable nearby.
Setting up in your own room
If you do have space and can get set up in your own bedroom, try not to study while on your bed as this can make it difficult for you to separate relaxing or sleeping from studying. A well lit room that’s not too warm can help make your surroundings a more productive place to study.
Sharing a space
Many of you may have to share a study space with a sibling or a parent who is also working from home. It could be helpful to have a discussion with them about the best way to work around each other. Maybe this means setting your study timetable up so that you take breaks or lunch at a different time to them so you get some time to yourself. You could also start studying a bit earlier or later than they are working to maximise time without distractions. It can be difficult spending a lot more time with the same people in a small space, here are some tips on reducing arguments at home if there is tension.
Think outside the box
Think about the rooms or space you have in your home. You may have space to set up in your own bedroom. If this isn’t possible, or you really struggle to study in your own room perhaps you could use a sibling, parent or guardian’s room, if they are happy for you to do that.
Try outdoors
If the weather is nice and it means you have a bit more space, studying outside can work well for some people. You can enjoy the fresh air and not feel like you are missing out on any nice weather. Ensure you can move your study bits easily back inside in case the weather does quickly change.
Get creative
If you don’t have a suitable desk or chair to use you may need to get creative. Think about what other items you have in your house that might work. Maybe you could use an ironing board as a makeshift desk or a storage box and cushions for a chair. It’s important to try and ensure whatever you use is the right height to help support your posture. Having something to support your back will help and if you are using a computer or laptop, having the screen at eye-level can reduce strain on your body.
Studying doesn’t have to be at your desk
Another option to consider when studying is to incorporate exercise into your study routine. Many studies have shown the benefits of trying to recall information while out for a walk/run or even in the swimming pool. Exercise can be a great way to stimulate many parts of your brain to perform better with regards to recall of material and consolidation of information.
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