STI clinics in colleges across Ireland
STI tests are fast and easy to do. Many colleges across Ireland offer STI screenings for students.

Getting tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is important for your sexual health. Not all STIs have symptoms, and getting tested regularly is the only way to know for sure that you have not been infected.
Going to an STI clinic for a regular screen means you are taking care of your sexual health and acting responsibly.
Many college campuses offer STI screening services at their health centres, which makes getting an STI test more convenient for students. Depending on where you go to college, this may be free or there may be a charge.
If you want to get tested outside of your college campus, there are a number of free STI clinics across Ireland for anyone who needs it.
- Athlone Institute of Technology
- Dublin City University (DCU)
- Institute of Art Design & Technology (IADT)
- Institute of Technology Sligo
- National University of Ireland (NUIG)
- Technological University Dublin (TU)
- Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
- University College Cork (UCC)
- University College Dublin (UCD)
- University of Limerick (UL)
Athlone Institute of Technology STI Clinic
Athlone IT provide a free, nurse led service providing mini screening and referral to an STI clinic for full screening.
- Where: The health centre is currently housed in a grey prefabricated structure at the rear of the main campus building opposite the sports arena.
- When: Monday to Friday 9am – 10:30am; 11am -12pm; 2pm – 4pm.
- Cost: Free (if you need to see a doctor, the cost is €15 and students must use their multifunctional AIT card to pay. Using the AIT will incur a fee)
- Appointment needed? No, Athlone IT operates a walk-in clinic where students are seen on a “First come, First served” basis.
For more information contact the Student Health Centre.
Dublin City University (DCU) STI Clinic
- Where: DCU Student Health, CG13 Ground Floor Henry Grattan Building
- When: Daily during opening times
- Cost: Appointment is free, it will cost €15 for a blood test
- Appointment needed? No
For more information contact the Student Health Service.
Institute Of Art Design & Technology (IADT) STI Clinic
- Where: The Health Centre, ground floor of the Atrium Building, opposite the student canteen.
- When: Tuesday and Thursday mornings
- Cost: First screening is free; after that each screening costs €10
- Appointment needed? Yes,
- How to make an appointment: Call (01) 239 4760 or drop into the health centre
For more information contact the Student Health Centre.
Institute of Technology Sligo STI Clinic
- Where: The Student Health Service, located on the ground floor of the Student Centre, beside the SU shop
- Appointment needed? Yes. Appointments are allocated on a “First come, first served” basis.
- How to make an appointment: Appointments must be made at the health centre reception for that day only. Appointments cannot be made for the following day. You must have your student card with you when making an appointment.
For more information contact the health centre by calling 071 9305463 or emailing [email protected]
Technological University Dublin (TU) STI Clinic
- Where (South City): Room 2051, 2nd Floor, Aungier Street, Dublin 2
- Where (North City): Linenhall Lodge, Henrietta Street, Dublin 1, (Opposite Bolton St. College)
- When (if you have symptoms): Tuesday and Friday mornings, 9am – 12pm in Aungier Street Health Centre
- When (if you have no symptoms): Monday – Friday, 9am -1pm and 2pm- 5pm in both health centres
- Cost: €20, paid when making the appointment
- Appointment needed? Yes
- How to make an appointment: Drop in to either of the Health Centres and arrange an appointment with the secretary. Please specify whether you want a doctor led (when you have symptoms) or a nurse led (when you have no symptoms) appointment.
Find more information on the nurse led service and the doctor led service or contact (01) 402 3051 (South City – Aungier Street) or (01) 402 3614 (North City) for more information.
Trinity College Dublin (TCD) STI Clinic
- Where: The STI Clinic at St James’ Hospital
- When: Wednesdays, 9.30am – 11.30am
- Cost: €20 – €5 will be refunded when you attend your appointment
- Appointment needed? Yes
- How to make an appointment: Drop into the student health centre or call (01) 896 1591 or (01) 896 1556
TCD offer two types of STI screening:
Mini Screen with a Nurse:
This is for students who have no symptoms and no history of contact with someone with an STI. You will be tested for HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis (blood tests) Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea (Swabs and/or urine)
Sexual Health Clinic with Doctor and Nurse
You will get the same tests as the Mini Screen, but a more detailed history and examination are taken. The screening is suitable for anyone with symptoms, men who are having sex with men and those who feel they are high risk for STI
For more information contact the Student Health Service.
Note: There is a free STI screening service at St. James’ Hospital for anyone who needs it. If you are a TCD student and can’t afford the €20 fee to make an appointment, you can go to the free STI clinic.
University College Cork (UCC) STI Clinic
- Where: The Student Health Department is located in Ardpatrick on College Road
- When: Weekly on Friday mornings for a full screening
- Cost: Free screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea; there may be a fee for the full screening
- Do you need an appointment? Yes
- How to make an appointment: Call (0)21 4902311 or drop into the Student Health Department
The free screening service for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea is for those who have no symptoms but who want to get checked. If you have symptoms, it is recommended that you be examined physically as wells as having blood, urine and swab tests. This can be done at the STI clinic on Friday mornings.
For more information contact the Student Health Service.
University College Dublin (UCD) STI Clinic
- Where: Student Health Centre
- When (doctor led): Wednesday and Friday mornings
- When (nurse led): Monday afternoon and Tuesday mornings
- Appointment needed? Yes
- How to make an appointment: Drop into the Student Health Centre or call (01) 716 3134
- Cost: Doctor led (when you have symptoms) €60. Nurse led (when you have no symptoms) €40
UCD offer two types of STI screening:
Nurse led
This service is for students who have no symptoms. Some STIs have no symptoms but you may still be infected. If you have any symptoms a doctor’s appointment is required.
Doctor led
This clinic is most suitable for you if you have symptoms you think may be due to an STI. If you have painful symptoms ie. blisters, pain in the vagina or genital area of recent onset please request an urgent symptomatic STI appointment.
For more information contact the Student Health Centre.
University of Limerick STI Clinic
- Where: Student Health Unit, Áras na Mac Léinn
- When: Daily during opening times dependant on availability
- Cost: €20; Students with a medical card can use this for the STI clinic, the contraceptive clinic, and prescription purposes
- Appointment needed? Yes
- How to make an appointment: Drop into the health centre or call 061202534
For more information contact the Student Health Unit.
What if I can’t afford the appointment?
Not every student health centre offers STI screening for free. If you want to get tested but you’re not sure you can afford the price your health centre is charging, there may be a free STI clinic near you where you can get your screening done for free.