Hannah Byrne

Email your senator about voting rights for 16 year olds

Written by: Hannah Byrne

A bill will be brought to the next stage in the Seanad on Wednesday March 21st

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Our Brexit Too: Young people have their say on Brexit

Written by: Hannah Byrne

Young people from Northern Ireland and the Republic Ireland came together to share their views on Brexit

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Get your TEFL qualification while travelling Europe

Written by: Hannah Byrne

3 weeks of training on the TEFL Scholarship costs just €19

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PrEPLoveLife raises awareness of groundbreaking HIV medication

Written by: Hannah Byrne

The PrEPLoveLife campaign aims to promote PrEP towards the most at-risk groups of HIV infection

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‘Ask for Angela’ begins rolling out across Ireland

Written by: Hannah Byrne

If you’re in an uncomfortable situation on a night out, you can use the code word to get help

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QUIZ: What do you know about probiotics?

Written by: Hannah Byrne

Sponsored by Sona Nutrition

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How probiotics could help with anxiety and stress

Written by: Hannah Byrne

The relationship between our brain and the gut can impact our mental wellbeing

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How probiotics can help after taking antibiotics

Written by: Hannah Byrne

How probiotics can get you feeling better faster

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What are probiotics?

Written by: Hannah Byrne

Probiotics can help to maintain the natural balance in our gut

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EVE Plantmarket: Courses for people experiencing mental health difficulties

Written by: Hannah Byrne

EVE Plantmarket courses are an opportunity to learn in a recovery orientated, relaxed environment

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World Cancer Day 2018

Written by: Hannah Byrne

The theme of World Cancer Day 2018 is “We Can. I Can.”

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