
Information for young people living in care

Written by: spunout

Learn about the different types of foster care and what it's like to live in care

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What causes pain during sex?

Written by: spunout

Painful sex is a common problem, and there are things you can do about it

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What happens at a Sexual Assault Treatment Unit?

Written by: spunout

Who is the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) service for?

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What is the contraceptive implant?

Written by: spunout

The implant might suit you if you prefer not to take medication daily

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Myths about emergency contraception

Written by: spunout

Learn the facts about emergency contraception, also known as the morning after pill

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What is an internal condom?

Written by: spunout

Learn more about internal condoms and if they are right for you

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What’s the difference between the combined and mini pill?

Written by: spunout

Learn more about the two types of contraceptive pill - the combined pill and the mini pill.

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How to use a diaphragm

Written by: spunout

Find out more about the diaphragm and if this is the contraceptive method for you

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What are contraceptive injections?

Written by: spunout

Find out if the contraceptive injection is right for you

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When should I take emergency contraception?

Written by: spunout

If your protection fails or have sex without using protection emergency contraception can help prevent pregnancy

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How to use the contraceptive patch

Written by: spunout

Find out more about the patch and how it is used to prevent pregnancy

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What is the vaginal ring?

Written by: spunout

The vaginal ring works as a low dose hormonal contraceptive

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