
Join the spunout Action Panel

Written by: spunout

We are looking for 16-25 year olds living in Ireland to share their views and help lead spunout.

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Fine Gael vs Fianna Fáil: what’s the difference?

Written by: spunout

Learn more about the two biggest parties in Irish politics

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Is coercive control a type of abuse?

Written by: spunout

Coercive control is now a criminal and civil offence under the Domestic Violence Act

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What should I ask my doctor before going on medication?

Written by: spunout

Understand why and how you should take your medication before going on them

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The risks in self-diagnosing a mental health problem

Written by: spunout

Visiting your GP is the best step to take if you think you have a mental health condition

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What to do if you have an unplanned pregnancy

Written by: spunout

Experiencing an unplanned pregnancy can be a confusing time. There are services available to support you.

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Is vaping bad for me?

Written by: spunout

Vaping is an electronic version of smoking cigarettes but is it any healthier?

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What effect do supplements have on my body?

Written by: spunout

From weight-loss supplements to supplements for colds, dieticians do not recommend taking them

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What is protein and should I take protein supplements?

Written by: spunout

Learn more about the impact that protein supplements can have on your health

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How to choose a college course

Written by: spunout

It can be difficult to know what choices to put on your CAO. Here are some things to consider when applying for college.

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Should I take health supplements?

Written by: spunout

Learn more about health supplements and whether they would be beneficial in your diet

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Zeminar Poll: What Subjects Do You Need Information About the Most?

Written by: spunout

Have your say at the SpunOut.ie stand at Zeminar

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