Take part in the SpunOut.ie editorial hack

Join us in SpunOut HQ on Dec 7th.


SpunOut.ie is holding a youth proofing hack and editorial brainstorm on December 7th from 11am – 3pm in SpunOut HQ in Templebar, Dublin, and we want you there.

We want your input into what issues you want to see us cover in 2014, aswell as giving us feedback on what we already have on the site. We will also be youth proofing a lot of our content to ensure that it has your seal of approval.

 We're asking that you come along with your laptop if you have one (let us know if you wanna come but don't have a laptop). We have lots to do, but it will be done in a real chilled out atmosphere with our favourite tunes playing, lots of free pizza and chocolate.

You must be aged between 16-25 years of age (because that's our target age group) and there will be a €20 stipend for everyone who comes along. Let us know in advance if you want travel costs covered.

Please RSVP as soon as possible to editor@spunout.ie and please include your phone number so we contact you if there are any lastminute changes.

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