Eva Short

How does measles (MMR) vaccination work?

Written by spunout

People often get a vaccine called the MMR vaccine in childhood to protect from measles, mumps and rubella, three very infectious illnesses

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Signs and symptoms of measles

Written by spunout

It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of measles and to seek medical advice if you think you may have the illness

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Vaping demystified in a non-judgmental way

Written by spunout

spunout has created a series of factual, non-judgmental resources about vaping and its effects so you can make informed decisions about your health

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How to reduce how much you vape

Written by spunout

If you vape and want to stop, but don’t feel like you can to quit right now, you may have a desire to reduce how much you vape

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How are vapes marketed to young people?

Written by spunout

Vaping companies have been criticised by governments, health organisations and other regulatory bodies around the world for the techniques they use...

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Vaping and the environment

Written by spunout

Vaping products, in particular disposable vapes, can have a number of environmental impacts, especially when thrown away

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How to recycle disposable vapes

Written by spunout

Often, people are not aware of the risks disposable vapes pose to the environment or the amount of precious, rare materials they contain

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How to quit vaping

Written by spunout

Changing habits is difficult at the best of times, let alone when you are trying to stop using an addictive substance

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Vaping vs smoking: comparing the health effects

Written by spunout

If you vape, you may be curious about the differences between vaping and smoking and their associated risks

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spunout calls for a Yes/Yes vote in family and care referendums

Written by spunout

spunout is calling for a yes vote in the family and care referendums, both taking place on March 8th, following consultation with the organisation'...

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What is energy poverty?

Written by spunout

Energy poverty refers to the inability to adequately heat or power a home due to the high cost of electricity and fuel.

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5 tips for talking about the climate crisis

Written by spunout

Confronting the scale of the climate crisis can be overwhelming and frightening and we may prefer to avoid talking about it

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